is from Acre, graduated from EICTV (International School of Film and Television) in Production. He has produced feature films and short films - fiction and documentaries - and video clips. He has worked as an executive producer at the Usina de Arte João Donato do Acre (2007-2010) and at the Escritório Regional Norte da Linha de Produção de Conteúdos Destinados às TVs Públicas - BRDE/FSA/ANCINE in Manaus/AM (2014-2017).
is from São Paulo, graduated from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi in Radio and Television Broadcasting and specializes in Cultural Management (SENAC). He has worked as an executive production assistant and as a production director in feature films, medium length films and short films - fiction and documentaries and institutional videos. He has worked as a producer at the Escritório Regional Norte da Linha de Produção de Conteúdos Destinados às TVs Públicas - BRDE/FSA/ANCINE in Manaus/AM (2015-2017).